Monday 26 November 2012

From French Farm to Dutch Barge

We like to keep life interesting at Le Petit Bijou...

Now we have never been known to conform to the norm.  That's why we love reviving old furniture that no one else wants anymore, rather that heading out to buy another fashionable flat pack piece that will last until the chip board gives up. 
Le Petit Bijou has come home for Christmas, after 2 great years in France we have decided to come back for the winter this year, 1) to start making contacts for selling our furniture, and 2) to be able to see friends and family, and so far we have done that very thing.  With so many wonderful people to see we are having a lovely time catching up with everyone, and those we haven't had a chance to see yet... we are on our way!!!
So here is a little blog to show all our unique accommodation for the winter...
Thanks to my mother, we are staying on her Dutch barge which she jollys about on for her summer hols, but otherwise stays empty through winter except the odd visit here and there.  It is such an inspiring place to live, built in 1894 it is an old sailing barge that worked transporting coal around Holland.  It now has a bespoke conversion to a beautiful house boat with a wonderful vintage shabby chic charm, with a free nomadic feel to it.
And if anyone who reads this is also inspired by this floating bit of history, my mum is trying to sell it 
However if my powers of persuasion work, with any luck she wont let it go.  In all honesty I wish she were to move here full time.  Maybe this cute picture of her dogs taken one summer on the barge will help me in my cause.
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